by Caroline Sloan
Stress is our body’s natural response to new, exciting, difficult, or uncertain situations we face. Our hormones change, adrenaline rushes, and cortisol levels skyrocket. Mental exhaustion is the result of long-term stress.
Everyone at some point in their lives has experienced stress. If you haven’t, you’re lying (we still love you!). But how do we deal with it and its effects?
God’s word is full of verses that deal with anxiety and worry (I Peter 5:7; John 14:27; Philippians 4:6-7). The one I want to really focus on is Matthew 11:28, which says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
This verse specifically resonates with me because of my life experiences. I deal with anxiety every day, and I try to remember this verse when I am overwhelmed.

Specifically, during my freshman year of college, midterm exams were approaching and so was the stress. By this point, I was mentally exhausted, not only from exams, but also from trying to understand myself and where I fit in this new world of college.
The campus ministries group handed out Krispy Kreme doughnuts along with a Bible verse to all students during midterm week. I was handed a piece of cardstock with a calligraphic design of Matthew 11:28. I kept it with me all through college, pinned to my corkboard so I would see it everyday.
I still think about this verse quite often. Jesus endured physical and mental exhaustion before and during his crucifixion. YET, he loves us so much that He will give US rest when we are exhausted.
The King of Kings will give us rest if we simply ask. He’s there for us, no matter how big or small our problems may be or seem.
Let us rest knowing that God has us.
Stay tuned and updated with our weekly series! “Focus” will continue through July 26.