Recently, the FDA declared a ban on Red Dye No. 3, commonly found in some sodas and red candies. As someone who frequently researches all things health and wellness related, I recognized that this ban was about thirty years overdue, as this particular dye has been linked to cancer and a host of other issues in children and adults.
It’s challenging being a parent in 2025. Instead of having a culture and system that partners with us to help our children be as healthy as possible, many substances and elements of society are very harmful to this generation, often without their knowledge. While the world frequently embraces or promotes these components, as parents, we have to be vigilant in monitoring what goes into the minds and bodies of our children.
My son learned at a young age while grocery shopping with me that if a food was banned in Europe, we would not purchase it. He would often get frustrated that some tasty treats and snacks would be off-limits to him, even after I clarified that there were ingredients present that were linked to cancer and other disorders. I would explain that it was my job as a parent to ensure he didn’t consume damaging chemicals.
“But the food tastes so good. Why does it taste so good if it’s bad for us?” he would exclaim.
I would struggle to find words a child would understand, but in essence, I would relate that sometimes ingredients that tasted good were actually harmful and addictive. The food companies put those ingredients in products so that people would continue buying them. Financial gain was sadly the bottom line, not the health of society.
It was a good metaphor to begin learning one of life’s hard lessons – that oftentimes, it is the things that bring us the most immediate pleasure that are the most dangerous for us.
Proverbs 14:12 says, “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.”
A certain candy may taste amazing. But it could be loaded with dyes and chemicals that are harmful to our bodies.
We may believe the innocent flirting taking place with our coworker will not lead to anything serious. But with each encounter, we unintentionally disassociate from our spouse, creating a divide within the sacred covenant marriage we entered.
We may believe that the images we look at online are harmless. Yet, each click can slowly erode our purity of heart, fostering desires and distractions that distance us from the sanctity of our commitments and the peace of our souls.
We may find solace in procrastination, telling ourselves there’s always time later. But this habit can lead to mounting stress, unfinished dreams, and a life filled with regret instead of fulfillment.
We may indulge in excessive screen time, thinking it’s just a way to unwind. However, it can isolate us from meaningful face-to-face relationships and diminish our ability to connect deeply with others and with God.
We may prioritize work over rest, believing that nonstop hustle will lead to success. Yet, without balance, our health, relationships, and spiritual well-being suffer, leaving us burnt out and disconnected from what truly matters.
We may turn to quick fixes for our problems, seeking instant relief through unhealthy habits or fleeting pleasures. But these temporary solutions often leave us feeling empty, pushing us further away from lasting peace and true contentment.
If left alone in the grocery store, my young son would not be worried about the nutrition content of foods or with reading product labels. He would be throwing snacks and treats in the shopping cart based on the colorful packaging, the sugary ingredients, and how tasty something was.
Without Jesus by our side, adults navigate life much like children in a grocery store. We will throw things into our cart – our lives, our bodies, our minds, our souls – based on their appearances or the immediate gratification they bring, regardless of their ability to produce good fruits or long-term righteousness.
Fortunately, as believers, we have an opportunity to navigate life with the Living God walking beside us.
When we invite Jesus into our daily decisions, we gain a divine compass that helps us discern what is truly beneficial versus what merely seems appealing. By seeking God’s wisdom through prayer and scripture, we equip ourselves to make informed choices, rather than succumbing to fleeting temptations. Prioritizing our spiritual health ensures that our decisions are aligned with God’s will, bringing lasting peace and fulfillment rather than temporary satisfaction.
Matthew 7:9-11 reminds us, “Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!”
Just like we desire to help educate our children about the hidden perils in life, and desire for them to put good and healthy things into their minds and bodies, so does our Heavenly Father desire for us to remain pure and undefiled. Let us embrace His guidance, making mindful choices that honor our love for God, for ourselves, and for those closest to us.