by Caroline Sloan

It’s simple—what goes in, must come out. So if we eat garbage, we excrete garbage. The Bible tells us that this same process happens with our hearts and minds. If we only listen and meditate on negative things, we will demonstrate those negative things in our life. Is it really that simple to practice? No, not always. That’s why we rely on Jesus. We can’t do it on our own. With His help, we can renew our minds.
I’ve noticed this in my own life. I don’t always listen to Christian music. A lot of my favorite music communicates negative messages about men, women, and most of the time there’s lots of cussing. For the most part, I try to tune out the words and hone in on the beat of the music. I like to play my songs on repeat, and I’ve noticed that the more I do that, the more I’m subconsciously absorbing the words. Woah now, I think to myself. I have to step back and reflect on my mind and heart.
King David is referred to as “the man after God’s own heart.” However, we also know him as the man who committed adultery with Bathsheba. The growth of David’s relationship with God shows the beauty of God’s grace and forgiveness. David chooses to fill his life with praising God (Psalm 145). He could think about other things; after all, God would surely forgive him again. But David, having meditated on God day and night, ceases to demonstrate his negative thoughts as he had before. We should be like David and always choose God. What goes in, must come out. If you’re taking garbage in, well, you figure out the rest.
Key Scriptures
Psalm 145
Matthew 15:17-18
Romans 8:5-8
Romans 12:1-2
Philippians 4:8-9