Have you ever had that one worship song that really hits you in the feels? The one that moves you to raise your hands in the air and start crying? The one that makes your insides explode with love and gratitude for God? 

I know many songs that do that for me, but I can specifically think of three.  I’ve tried to make it a point to listen to at least one of these three songs every morning on my way to work. 

I find that listening to them on repeat like this really makes them stick in my head. Certain lyrics come to mind when I am faced with hard decisions, stress, and just daily life. I want to share my three songs with you. 

The first is “Marvelous Light” by Charlie Hall. Not only are the lyrics powerful, but when I was in fourth grade, I was baptized alongside my mom. When we came out of the water, the praise band was playing this song. I’ve never let go of this song since. It’s a reminder of the decision my mom and I made together so long ago. “Into marvelous light I’m running, out of darkness, out of shame…”

The second of my favorite songs is “Stand in Your Love” by Bethel Music and Josh Baldwin. I came home one weekend after a stressful couple weeks at school. I went to Journey Church Sunday morning, and the praise band started singing, “My fear doesn’t stand a chance when I stand in your love.” That was exactly what I needed to hear. I remember busting into tears, and after the service I told my dad I wasn’t upset, but that God knew I needed that reminder.

Lastly, my other favorite worship song is “Hero” by Newsboys. If you know me well,  you know that Newsboys is my absolute favorite Christian band. I admire them because they don’t necessarily look or sound like your traditional Christian artists. Some of their music could fall within the rock genre, and their lyrics are like no other. 

I first discovered them when I heard “Born Again” playing on our local Christian radio station. Fast forward a little while later, my mom and I won front row tickets to the 2011 Winter Jam. We were immersed into Newsboys, only knowing one song. Before the night was over, I got to meet them and received a signed copy of their newest CD. When we got home that night, I played the CD on repeat until I fell asleep. 

“I’m gonna lay me down to lift you up; You’re the only King in the kingdom come… You’re my hero, hero…” “Hero” is about humility and recognizing that we can’t do life on our own. God is our hero. I encourage you to listen to these songs and share some of your favorites with us! 

Happy Listening!
